Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two new arrivals: Boo and Pinky

A huge thank you to Maz at Zam Rats for the two newest additions to the mischief: Boo (black hooded) and Pinky (BEW).

Warfarin went from "Yay new playmates" to "You've got to be kidding me" pretty damn quickly.

The little ones didn't care for the car trip, especially Pinky, but upon arrival both perked up and they have been playing, eating, sleeping, and escaping their cage. So I imagine they are fine. It seems I forgot how psycho they are at this age.

The plastic box is their temporary "cage" until they get introduced tomorrow, in the shower, in the presence of plenty of yoghurt. They've sniffed each other a bit and tried to get into each others cages during free ranging time. So far, as expected, there has been 0 aggression from Warf.

Submerged carrot cubes (part one of swimming lessons)

The results of the Juice Box challenge

Warfarin's new hammock